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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

   Oxford University the dreamy university of this planet. Its just not a university It’s a lifetime dream of a student for his whole life.this is the one of great university of the world which can change your life fully and with a great promising future.
So today we will give you all the highly info about Oxford University.
Lets start with us and enjoy with full seriousness who can tell this that in future your will not be a student of this dreamy university yes it is the only one Oxford University man !!!

Introduce to Oxford :-  
Welcome to university of dream, the University of Oxford. In below we are giving you some basic information about University of Oxford .
v     Oxford was the first university in English-speaking world.
v     It’s the 3rd ranking university in the whole world.
v     University of Oxford is the 1st ranking university in U.K
v     There are over 22,000 students of oxford , including 11,832 Undergraduates and 9,857 are Postgraduates.
v     “ The lord is my Light” it’s the motto of University of Oxford.
v     The establishing time or year is unknown of the University of Oxford. The teaching existence since 1096 more then 916 years ago.
v     The Rt. Hon. Lord Patten of Barnes is the Chancellor of the University of Oxford.
v     It is situated at England , U.K
v     The colour of the Oxford is Blue.

Admission at Oxford :-
Oxford University is world-famous for academic excellence. They  pick the best and brightest students purely on their academic merit and passion for their chosen course. If that sounds like you, and you like to think for yourself, Oxford could be the right university for you. There are the details about the Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses at the University of Oxford :-
            Undergraduate Courses :-
Ø      Archaeology and Anthropology
University of Oxford
Ø      Biochemistry (Molecular and Cellular)

Ø      Biological sciences
Ø      Biomedical sciences
Ø      Chemistry
Ø      Classical archaeology and Ancient History
Ø      Classics
Ø      Classics and English
Ø      Classics and Modern Languages
Ø      Classics and Oriental Languages
Ø      Computer Science
Ø      Computer Science and Philosophy
Ø      Earth sciences (Geology)
Ø      Economics and Managemant
Ø      Engineering and Science
Ø      Engineering , Economics and Managemant
Ø      English language and Literature
Ø      English and Modern Languages
Ø      European and Middle eastern  Languages

Ø      Experimental Psychology
Ø      Fine art
Ø      Geography
Ø      History
Ø      History (Ancient and Modern)
Ø      History and Economics
Ø      History and English
the dreamy "University of Oxford"
Ø      History and Modern Languages

Ø      History and Politics
Ø      History of Art
Ø      Human Science
Ø      Law (jurisprudence)
Ø      Material Science
Ø      Material , Economics and Managemant
Ø      Mathematics
Ø      Mathematics and Computer Science
Ø      Mathematics and Philosophy
Ø      Mathematics and Statistics
Ø      Medicine
Ø      Modern Language
Ø      Modern Language and Linguistics
Ø      Music
Ø      Oriental Studies
Ø      Philosophy and Modern Language
Ø      Philosophy , Politics , and Economics (PPE)
Ø      Philosophy and Theology
Ø      Physics and Theology
Ø      Physics
Ø      Physics and Philosophy
Ø      Physics , Philosophy Linguistics
Ø      Theology and  Religion
Ø      Theology and Oriental Studies

Undergraduate student Funding :-

            2014 Funding :-
They are committed to ensuring students from the UK and EU understand the costs and funding for them if they choose to apply to the University of Oxford.
While many universities are offering either reduced fees or bursaries, Oxford will provide both. Not only this, in 2013 Oxford is offering the most generous financial support of any university to those on a family income of less than £16,000. 
            Oxford fee Reduction :-
The tuition fee for one year of undergraduate study for UK/EU students studying for their first degree from 2014 is between £3,500 and £9,000 in the first year and between £6,000 and £9,000 in further years, depending on household income. 
UK/EU students do not have to pay any tuition fees upfront.
All UK/EU undergraduate students who are liable for the full £9,000 tuition fee and whose household income is less than £25,000 will receive a reduction in their tuition fee*.
Household Income
Fee in first year
Fee after first year
£0 - £16,000
£16,001 - £20,000
£20,001 - £25,000
£25,001 +
*In 2013, Welsh students are able to access a tuition fee grant from the Welsh Assembly, reducing their tuition fee loan to c.£3,500. If these arrangements are extended to 2014 entrants, Welsh students will continue to be ineligible for an Oxford Fee Reduction.
            Oxford Bursary Support :-
All UK/EU undergraduate students whose household income is less than £42,621 will receive an Oxford bursary to help them with their living costs at Oxford. The bandings below show the annual bursaries available from Oxford, dependent upon household income before tax.
Household income
Additional start-up bursary
(first year only)
£16,000 or less
£16,001 -  £20,000

start-up bursary 
for all students 
£20,001 -  £25,000
£25,001 -  £30,000
£30,001 -  £35,000
£35,001 -  £40,000
£40,001 -  c.£42,620
£42,621 and above

2014 Funding :- English Students
The tuition charge for one year of undergraduate study for English students studying for their first degree at Oxford from 2014 will be dependent upon a student's household income. Significant reductions are available to students from the lowest income households. Part of the funding for this comes from the National Scholarship Programme.  English students will be able to access a loan for the full amount of their tuition charge fromStudent Finance England. You do not need to pay this cost upfront.
Household Income
Fee in first year
Fee after first year
£0 - £16,000
£16,001 - £20,000
£20,001 - £25,000
£25,001 +
Oxford's support package is subject to approval by the Office for Fair Access in July 2013. 

            Live cost’s and Support :-
As a guide to the costs you can expect in 2014, the University estimates that basic term time living costs for students starting in 2013 will be £7,900. To meet these costs there is financial support available from both the UK government and the University of Oxford. The level of this support is dependent upon household income, which is usually the combined income of the parents or carers you currently live with.  Students must be financially assessed in their funding application to Student Finance England; the University also uses this figure in allocating its own funding.
            Government Funding through Student Finance England:-
·  All students can receive a basic maintenance loan of £3,610, no matter what their household income. 
·  Students from households with incomes less than c. £42,600 can receive a student loan plus an additional non-repayable grant from the government.
·  Students from households with incomes less than £25,000 will be entitled to full grant of £3,387; if their household income is between £25,000 and c. £42,600 they will be entitled to a partial grant of between £3,387 and £50. They can also apply for a maintenance loan.
            University & College Funding:-
In addition to the support available from the government, students in receipt of a maintenance grant will be provided with additional financial support to cover some of the costs associated with living in Oxford, and also enable them to take advantage of the many opportunities Oxford has to offer its students.
Household income
Additional start-up bursary 
(First year only)
£16,000 or less
£16,001 -  £20,000

start-up bursary 
for all students 
£20,001 -  £25,000
£25,001 -  £30,000
£30,001 -  £35,000
£35,001 -  £40,000
£40,001 -  c. £42,600
c. £42,600 and above
Oxford's support package is subject to approval by the Office for Fair Access in July 2013.

There are a limited number of undergraduate scholarships available to UK students. For more information including details on eligibility and how to apply please select from the list below.

International Students:-

            Fees :-
You should note that international undergraduates pay a higher rate of tuition fee than UK and EU students, and are also liable for an additional College fee.
If you are commencing your studies in 2013, please visit our Fees, Funding and Scholarship Search to check the fees for your course. Fee information for international students considering applying for 2014 will be released in summer 2013.
            Living Costs:-
The University has provided information on basic term time living costs for UK students. Students from outside the UK must also take into account the additional cost of where they live during the vacations which could include the cost of travelling home or paying additional rent to remain in Oxford. Whether students travel to and from Oxford at the start and end of term, or stay in Oxford during the vacations, these additional travel or accommodation costs will need to be covered.
Students who are coming from overseas should ensure they have budgeted for additional costs such as visas. They may be required to complete a financial guarantee in order to have their place at Oxford confirmed and will need to show they have enough funding for the length of their course.

LIVING COSTS for Oxford :-
Despite what you may have heard, it's no more expensive to study at Oxford than at any other university. In fact, our world-class resources and college provision actually keep living costs down.The information below will help you to find out more about the true cost of studying at a top university committed to access for all, regardless of means.

            How much will my living costs be?
We have put together estimates of costs for a UK student living in college accommodation during term time only. If you choose to stay during the holidays you will have to pay extra to stay in college accommodation out of term time. The amounts provided here are estimates for the 2013/14 academic year, which amount to around £7,900 per year. Guidance on living costs for 2014/15 will shortly be available.

            College accommodation - around £4,000 per year :-
All colleges provide rooms for their students during term time for the first year and for at least one other year of their course. Rent varies depending on the college and room standard but you could expect to pay up to around £4,000 for a room during term time (the average room rent in college is around £3,500 for 3 terms) Please visit the colleges section of our website for more information on individual colleges.
You can also live out in privately rented accommodation, but should be aware you will have to pay rent outside term, in the holidays. Private accommodation costs vary depending on the number of people you share with and the quality and location of the accommodation. We would suggest budgeting for around £6,900 (this includes around £1,000 for utility bills).

            Food - around £1,900 per year :-
Student Funding foodMost students in college eat in the dining hall, although there are basic self catering facilities available.

Other living costs - around £2,000 per year :-

Ensure you budget for clothes, your social life, travel to and from home, toiletries and books. You should also consider the cost of items such as glasses/contact lenses.
Non-UK students :-
If you are coming from the EU or overseas, you should ensure that you have budgeted for additional costs such as visas and vacation costs. Whether you travel to and from Oxford at the start and end of term, or stay in Oxford during the holidays, these additional travel or accommodation costs will need to be covered. Students from outside the UK will need to plan their finances to include periods outside of term time, and we estimate they should budget for at least £9,975 for their living expenses in 2013/14.



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